Stewart Munro – Pentland Medical MD – Featured in the AfPP Innovation, People & Practice Magazine
This months interview is with Pentlands’ own Managing Director – Stewart Munro – about our family-grown business based in the heart of Edinburgh, Scotland
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Tell us more about your role at Pentland?
“I’ve been the managing director at Pentland Medical for twenty-two years now, and I’m just as passionate about it now as I was back in 1998. Patient and staff safety are paramount to good quality care, which is why I love the fact that I’m heavily involved in maintaining the supply of unique and patented patient and staff safety products to the UK healthcare sector.
Pentland is a family-grown business, although this was not necessarily part of the original business plan; my two sons have joined the company over the years. My elder son, Jamie, now runs Pentland. This has allowed me to focus on our partner company, Innovel. I founded Innovel in 2016 to develop, manufacture and bring to the global healthcare market patented new med-tech ideas that were created by hospitals, universities and individuals. Pentland is the UK distributor for these products, and it’s an amazing process to be a part of.
We have been extremely fortunate in forging excellent working relationships with a range of partners that work in unison to deal with the enormous challenges facing the medical device industry in the 21st century. It simply would not have made business sense to take these challenges on alone. My wife and I do still oversee the financials and look at the bigger picture at Pentland, but Jamie is managing Pentland very effectively, and providing stability for the future. We now have a fantastic, growing team that are like an extended family.”