Ground Breaking Location tracking System For People Living With Dementia AND Alzheimer's
To speak to our expert team and find out how Otiom will benefit you and your loved ones.
Get the first month FREE when you Hire Otiom
Trial Otiom for a month FREE of charge with no obligation to continue (shipping fees apply). Cancel the subscripion at any time.
Discrete GPS
Simple to use with
any smartphone
Notification alerts when
safety level is breached
Ongoing tech support
from our team of experts
1 Year
Otiom offers freedom, allowing people with dementia to continue to move about freely without their relatives worrying that they will get lost.
A unique, discrete tagging device that people living with dementia can easily carry, Otiom utilises rapidly growing Internet of Things (IoT) technology ensuring safe, reliable tracking indoors and out whilst increasing battery life way beyond other tracking devices, cost-effectively. Furthermore, the Otiom-app makes it simple to clearly define safe zones, which are areas where the person with dementia is allowed access without being monitored.
As Featured on the Alzheimer Scotland ADAM Platform
When you buy Otiom outright, all equipment is fully owned by you. There is no charge to use the Otiom app and you will therefore have unlimited use of the Otiom system as long as it is needed.
Take instant ownership of otiom with a 1 year warranty
No ongoing monthly fees
Lifetime use of equipment and the otiom app
Ongoing support from our team of experts
Starter Kits from £300 –
Onetime payment
One month FREE of charge with no obligation to continue (shipping fees apply)
Cancel subscription at any time
Indefinite warranty – if equipment stops working at any point during the rental period, we will replace it free of charge.
Ongoing support from our team of experts throughout the rental period
Otiom will remain as the property of Pentland Medical Ltd.
Starter Kits from
£30 per month